Mid-term Exam

Hye all,

Im not satisfied with my marks for this year mid-term exam.it is soo suckish.I got 2A2B1C.BM penulisan n BI dapat A.Science n BM pemahaman dapat B.So that means I got C for math.It was worth it.I didnt study hard,so this is my balasan. :(

My cousin Fariz first time dapat A for BI.Mula2 dia ingat dia akan dapat 4A1B(B is English) but he managed to get 5A for this year mid-term exam n he also dapat kalahkan Emir(budak melayu paling pandai dlm kelas).Hahaha.Im the fifth budak melayu paling pandai dlm kelas now.First, Fariz then Emir n then Iman,Liyana n then me.

Emir plak pelajaran dah mula merosot.Sume org ckp sebab hoki.Mmg betul pun,dia buat exam ni mcm main2 sebab tk sabar nak main hoki.Dia tk dapat 5A like always,dia dapat 4A1B.I said ok lah tu but to him mcm terlalu gagal.Of course la kan dia ni kan top 5 student.hehehe.

My mom ckp ada reason why I didnt get 5A cuz masatu I ada masalah peribadi.My mom tk dela marah sangat when I told her my marks n I feel weird about that(but its okay). Ok, since I failed this year mid-term exam(walaupun lulus tapi masih gagal to me) I will study more harder now.Correction more more harder.No I mean infinity more harder.Yup thats right.
